The Cleft School project is a unique project in Nepal to support people with facial disfigurement. It is noted that 1 in 500 children or adults in Nepal have some form of facial disfigurement and that none of these people with facial disfigurement have achieved high position, for example, professionals, government employees, politicians or in media. It has shown that education is the prime factor.
It will be the first project in Nepal and is supported by Friends of Craniofacial Centre in the UK. This school will also provide home for children with facial disfigurement.
Eight acres of land has been donated by Janaki temple and approved by the municipal government. A detailed project report has been prepared and soil testing has been done for the construction of the building. We will now seek significant funding, hopefully from organisations such as UK Aid, to start this project. It is a great project, one which will be a great asset for the country.
European Association for Craniomaxillofacial Surgery Scholarship MAXTRAIN
Funding for this was agreed by the Council of the Association, primarily for development of services in Nepal, providing opportunities for Nepali trainees to spend time in European centres of excellence as well as to facilitate visitors by European surgeons to the Craniofacial Centre for the purpose of teaching. So far, no suitable candidate has been identified but we are ever hopeful.
BRANNGO Conference at the British Embassy, 22nd November 2023
Britain and Nepal NGO Network (BRANNGO) successfully held a conference at the British Embassy in Kathmandu on 22nd November 2023 with the theme Strengthening collaborative links so UK NGOs can better help those in need in Nepal. Our Trustee Prof. Sunil Sah attended the conference and presented about our work in Nepal. The conference was chaired by His Excellency the Ambassador, Mr. Rob Fenn who spoke about the importance of civil society as one of the bases for development and paid tribute David and Joanna Thomas for founding BRANNGO. Development Director of The British Government Aid Programme in Nepal and the Deputy Ambassador, British Embassy Kathmandu, Pipa Bird, spoke briefly about ‘multi-dimensional fragility’ of Nepal in terms of its economy, geography, climate and societal structures. She stated that UK is helping develop security and justice institutions in Nepal. She insisted that a great deal of evidence and knowledge is needed to support development decision in Nepal. UK NGOs represents a huge pool of soft power who can help by sharing their knowledge. Speakers from various NGOs in Nepal and members of BRANNGO also presented their work during their conference.
Proposal Report of Craniofacial Centre Nepal including Cleft School Link
Proposal Report of Craniofacial Centre Nepal including Cleft School